"Arts, crafts and sciences uplift the world of being, and are conducive to its exaltation."
-Bahai Faith-
Finding a balance between the things that matter to me in life often means grasping an opportunity when it arises. With two weddings not to far away I scrummaged through my store of clay to find some that was suitable to use, pulled out a small electric wheel I'd recently purchased and with a vision in mind set out to bring my vision into reality.
Not having thrown since mid 2019 and using this pottery wheel (pictured) which I'd never used before (one you might teach little kids on) was a matter of letting go risking it all and finding out what was possible. Throughout my potting career I've always used a stable heavy sit-down cone-drive wheel for throwing. I was close to upgrading to a more powerful electronic machine. Insted I opted for this small lightweight wheel I could put on a table/bench and throw standing up. I was surprised by the fact I was able to throw a 4Kg lump of clay quite easily. Not sure it would handle continous work for long.
Not only was there considerable uncertainty regards the wheel and its ability to do what was required for me to create the work I desired to, glazing and decorating had their uncertainty too.
The 'water jug and tumblers' are wheel-thrown terracotta clay body with thick clear glaze and brushed and sponged underglaze colours. The 'punch bowl and tumblers' are white earthernware clay body with clear glaze and brushed underglaze colour decoration. The 'serving bowl and small bowls' is also a white earthernware clay body with brushed on underglaze colour decoration.